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Bladmuziek voor koren :: bladmuziek van :: * Harold ten Cate
Harold ten Cate maakt sinds 2009 deel uit van de selectiecommissie van Opwekking. Daarnaast is hij zeer actief als vertaler van liederen. Inmiddels heeft hij tientallen bekende liederen van tekst voorzien. (o.a. ‘Tienduizend Redenen’, ‘Stil, mijn ziel, wees stil’, ‘Zegekroon’).
Harold is getrouwd met Jozina. Samen hebben zij vier kinderen. In het dagelijks leven is hij voorganger bij de Baptisten Gemeente Zuid-West Friesland. |
* Harold ten Cate |
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Beschermer (Gerust in uw belofte)
General: ‘Defender’ is a song with two musical faces. While for the most part it stays compact and intimate with piano at it’s core, the bridge bursts open with full band accompaniment as if to underline the sung creed: a mighty fortress is our God! We have no evil to fear. The rest that comes fr...
Prijs: €2,75
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Bouw Uw koninkrijk
General: There aren’t many songs that make you long for God’s Kingdom in such a festive manner as ‘Build your kingdom’ does. That’s probably due to the band that wrote it; Rend Collective, an Irish ensemble that breaks musical boundaries in the genre. The loose folk character of the song brings w...
Prijs: €2,25
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Dit geloof (Wat een hoop!)
General: This world can be a dark place, full of confusion and fear. That’s the reality that sparked this creed, worded in song. ‘We Believe’ delivers a powerful statement both lyrically and musically as the chorus names the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and looks ahead in its triumphant climax to ...
Prijs: €2,75
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Spreek, o Heer (SAB versie)
General: The power of prayer is hard to ‘grasp’ in a song, but ‘Speak, O Lord’ manages to capture the wonder & majesty of meeting God. Keith Getty and Stuart Townend’s composition, arranged by Mary McDonald, gradually builds to an orchestrated highlight; a movement that’s mirrored in the lyri...
Prijs: €2,25
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Wie vrees ik nog (God van de hemellegers)
General: This composition, originally from Chris Tomlin and Ed & Scott Cash, is a wonderful example of an epic arrangement that makes you sing the creed in the lyrics with gusto. The march percussion in ‘Whom shall I fear’ points to the heavenly armies. Who is there to fear, when we know God ...
Prijs: €2,50