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Bladmuziek voor koren :: * Gemengdkoor
Muziekuitgaven vooral geschikt voor Gemengdkoor.
* Gemengdkoor |
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Zing halleluja! (Voor ons ligt het thuisland)
General: Against the backdrop of Passover, this song opens with an Eastern melody, setting the scene for the journey to the homeland and the temple of the Lord, where we give thanks to Him and praise His Name. This praise erupts in the chorus as the ‘Sing Hallelujah!’ swells like a march. A song ...
Prijs: €2,25
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Zing een vreugdelied
General: From the very beginning to the dying note at the very end, this song lives up to its title. An exploding pop groove turns out to be just the engine for an energetic choir. Tommy Walker’s ‘Make a joyful noise’ enriches worship and praise with the devotion of gospel and the dedication of a...
Prijs: €2,25
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Wie vrees ik nog (God van de hemellegers)
General: This composition, originally from Chris Tomlin and Ed & Scott Cash, is a wonderful example of an epic arrangement that makes you sing the creed in the lyrics with gusto. The march percussion in ‘Whom shall I fear’ points to the heavenly armies. Who is there to fear, when we know God ...
Prijs: €2,50