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Graag gezongen Graag gezongen
1. Because He lives (Amen)
2. Psalm 107 (Looft de Heer gestadig)
3. Tienduizend redenen (arr. Duren)
4. I heard the bells on Christmas day (Casting Crowns)
5. 10.000 Reasons (arr. Duren)
6. Hark the Herald!
7. Wij danken U (met Groot is Uw trouw, O Heer)
8. I will give thanks
9. Via Dolorosa (Ned)
10. Er is een God die hoort
11. Als het leven soms pijn doet
12. You say (I believe)

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Bladmuziek voor koren :: * Overige selecties :: * Bladmuziek :: When I survey the wondrous cross

When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross 
Easter: Above all, ‘When I Survey The Wondrous Cross’ is a contemplative song. Of course there’s the obvious beauty of this hymn, which thanks to the increasingly broad arrangement, paves a way to a moment of surrender at the foot of the cross. But most of all, there’s a sense of the cost of the cross. When we fix our eyes on the scope of the sacrifice, we experience a deeper gratitude for what it offers us. A song that fits well with Eucharist. Isaac Watts originally wrote it preparing for just such an occasion. His lyrics and paired here with Hal Hopson’s tune ‘Gift Of Love’. And thanks to it’s versatility (it can be performed both a cappella and with piano) it never loses it’s power.
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Artikelnr. ECC17.1258.012
Gewicht 0,00 g
Bestel nummer ECC17.1258.01
Product Bladmuziek
Verschenen in magazine nr. 40
Auteur(s) Isaac Watts / Lowell Mason
Arrangement Jack Schrader
Taal 01-English
Andere taal e/o producten Het kostbare kruis
Thema Pasen
Stemmen SATB
Geschikt voor Gemengdkoor
Moeilijkheidsgraad moderately
Bladmuziek Vocal, piano & rhythm
Toonsoort(en) Es
Stijl Hymn
Copyright © 2004 Hope Publishing Company. For Europe, excl. UK:
Prijs: €2,00

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