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* Magazine 71 (Kerst 2024)
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Blessings (Orkestratie)
Blessings (Orkestratie)

The Musical Messiah (Lyrics ENG) (Digitaal)
The Musical Messiah (Lyrics ENG) (Digitaal)

The Musical Messiah Narrator NL (Voice-over)
The Musical Messiah Narrator NL (Voice-over)

De Musical Messiah (Grootrecht)
De Musical Messiah (Grootrecht)

The Musical Messiah (Libretto E/E)
The Musical Messiah (Libretto E/E)

The Musical Messiah (choralbook E/E)
The Musical Messiah (choralbook E/E)

The Musical Messiah (Oefentracks)
The Musical Messiah (Oefentracks)

The Musical Messiah (bandsheets) (Digitaal)
The Musical Messiah (bandsheets) (Digitaal)

Graag gezongen Graag gezongen
1. Praise the Lord of love
2. Kind van hoop
3. Niemand is als U (SATB) (Moree)
4. Umoja Tunaimba (SATB)
5. Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB)
6. Hij koos de kribbe
7. Revelation 19:1
8. Child of hope, Child of peace
9. Ontwaak, mijn ziel
10. ECC71_beschikbare audio fragmenten
11. De klokken klinken (Vreed' op aard)
12. Grace of God with us

bladmuziek van bladmuziek van
* 35 jaar Oslo Gospel Choir
* Continental Sound Music
* Dimensions (Juniors)
* Elisa Krijgsman
* Frisia Cantat, De Harp, Smeets, Pijlman e.a.
* Gospel Boulevard
* Harold ten Cate
* Henk Ruiter
* Hillsong
* Huub Oosterhuis
* Jan Mulder
* John Rutter
* Leger des Heils
* Lennart Moree
* Leon van Veen
* Lloyd Larson
* Loek van der Leeden
* Marcel Koning
* Margreeth Ras-van Slooten
* Martin Mans
* Martin Zonnenberg
* Minne Veldman
* Nederlandstalige projecten
* Remco Hakkert
* Rens de Winter


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Bladmuziek voor koren :: * Magazine 71 (Kerst 2024)

Onze najaarseditie 2024 van het Koormuziek.NL Magazine Digitaal uit met kerst- en algemeen repertoire is uit!

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* Magazine 71 (Kerst 2024)
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Behold (Orkestratie)

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Behold (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Child of hope, Child of peace (Orkestratie)

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Child of hope, Child of peace (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Enter in (Orkestratie)

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Enter in (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

God you're so good (Orkestratie)

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God you're so good (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Grace of God with us (Orkestratie)

Meer info >
Grace of God with us (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Hope of the world, Emmanuel (Orkestratie)

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Hope of the world, Emmanuel (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

How marvelous (Orkestratie)

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How marvelous (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Love is the reason why (Orkestratie)

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Love is the reason why (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Manger throne (Orkestratie)

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Manger throne (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Nothin but glory (Orkestratie)

Meer info >
Nothin but glory (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

O come, Emmanuel (Orkestratie)

Meer info >
O come, Emmanuel (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

Praise the Lord of love (Orkestratie)

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Praise the Lord of love (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €70,00

There is none like You (TTBB) (Moree) (Orkestratie)

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There is none like You (TTBB) (Moree) (Orkestratie)


Prijs: €35,00

10.000 reasons to worship the King (Backingtrack)

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10.000 reasons to worship the King (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

A quiet invitation (Backingtrack)

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A quiet invitation (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Behold (Backingtrack)

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Behold (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Christ chose the manger (Backingtrack)

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Christ chose the manger (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB) (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB) (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB) (Backingtrack)

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Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB) (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Enter in (Backingtrack)

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Enter in (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

God you're so good (Backingtrack)

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God you're so good (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Gospel nativity carol (Backingtrack)

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Gospel nativity carol (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Grace of God with us (Backingtrack)

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Grace of God with us (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

High King of heaven (Backingtrack)

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High King of heaven (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

How marvelous (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
How marvelous (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

It was on a silent night (Backingtrack)

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It was on a silent night (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Love is the reason why (Backingtrack)

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Love is the reason why (Backingtrack)


Prijs: €19,95

Manger throne (Backingtrack)

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Manger throne (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Mighty good news! (Backingtrack)

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Mighty good news! (Backingtrack)


Prijs: €19,95

Nothin but glory (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
Nothin but glory (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

O come, Emmanuel (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
O come, Emmanuel (Backingtrack)


Prijs: €19,95

Overflow with hope (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
Overflow with hope (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Praise the Lord of love (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
Praise the Lord of love (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

The heavens declare (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
The heavens declare (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Tilt your candle (Backingtrack)

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Tilt your candle (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

We are children of your song (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
We are children of your song (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

With empty hearts, we wait (Backingtrack)

Meer info >
With empty hearts, we wait (Backingtrack)

Prijs: €19,95

Brand new Hallelujah

Meer info >
Brand new Hallelujah

Prijs: €3,25

Manger throne

Meer info >
Manger throne

Prijs: €3,25

The heart at peace (SSA)

Meer info >
The heart at peace (SSA)

Prijs: €3,25


Meer info >

Prijs: €3,00

Cold December flies away (3-pt)

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Cold December flies away (3-pt)


Prijs: €3,00

Cold December flies away (SATB)

Meer info >
Cold December flies away (SATB)


Prijs: €3,00

De klokken klinken (Vreed' op aard)

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De klokken klinken (Vreed' op aard)


Prijs: €3,00

Enter in

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Enter in

Prijs: €3,00

God is our refuge (SAB)

Meer info >
God is our refuge (SAB)

Prijs: €3,00

God is our refuge (SSA)

Meer info >
God is our refuge (SSA)


Prijs: €3,00

God you're so good

Meer info >
God you're so good

Prijs: €3,00

Gospel nativity carol

Meer info >
Gospel nativity carol

Prijs: €3,00

I heard the bells

Meer info >
I heard the bells


Prijs: €3,00

Love is the reason why

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Love is the reason why

Prijs: €3,00

Midden in de winternacht (3-pt)

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Midden in de winternacht (3-pt)


Prijs: €3,00

Midden in de winternacht (SATB)

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Midden in de winternacht (SATB)


Prijs: €3,00

Nothin but glory

Meer info >
Nothin but glory

Prijs: €3,00

Prepare the way, o Zion

Meer info >
Prepare the way, o Zion


Prijs: €3,00

Revelation 19:1

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Revelation 19:1

Prijs: €3,00

Shepherds, run! (SSA)

Meer info >
Shepherds, run! (SSA)

Prijs: €3,00

Umoja Tunaimba (SATB)

Meer info >
Umoja Tunaimba (SATB)

Prijs: €3,00

We need a little love

Meer info >
We need a little love

Prijs: €3,00

Wees blij, verheug je, Sion

Meer info >
Wees blij, verheug je, Sion


Prijs: €3,00

A quiet invitation

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A quiet invitation


Prijs: €2,75

All is calm, all Is bright

Meer info >
All is calm, all Is bright


Prijs: €2,75

Awake my soul

Meer info >
Awake my soul


Prijs: €2,75

Christ chose the manger

Meer info >
Christ chose the manger


Prijs: €2,75

God Is our refuge (TTBB)

Meer info >
God Is our refuge (TTBB)


Prijs: €2,75

Grace of God with us

Meer info >
Grace of God with us

Prijs: €2,75

High King of heaven

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High King of heaven

Prijs: €2,75

Hij koos de kribbe

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Hij koos de kribbe


Prijs: €2,75

How marvelous

Meer info >
How marvelous

Prijs: €2,75

Met lege harten wachten wij

Meer info >
Met lege harten wachten wij


Prijs: €2,75

O come, Emmanuel

Meer info >
O come, Emmanuel

Prijs: €2,75

Ontwaak, mijn ziel

Meer info >
Ontwaak, mijn ziel


Prijs: €2,75

Praise the Lord of love

Meer info >
Praise the Lord of love


Prijs: €2,75

Prijs de Heer

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Prijs de Heer


Prijs: €2,75

Stille, stralende nacht

Meer info >
Stille, stralende nacht


Prijs: €2,75

Tilt your candle

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Tilt your candle

Prijs: €2,75


Meer info >


Prijs: €2,75

We are children of your song

Meer info >
We are children of your song


Prijs: €2,75

Wij zijn gemaakt voor Uw muziek

Meer info >
Wij zijn gemaakt voor Uw muziek


Prijs: €2,75

With empty hearts, we wait

Meer info >
With empty hearts, we wait


Prijs: €2,75

10.000 reasons to worship the King

Meer info >
10.000 reasons to worship the King


Prijs: €2,50

10.000 reasons to worship the King (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
10.000 reasons to worship the King (Luistertrack)


Prijs: €2,50

A quiet invitation (Luistertrack)

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A quiet invitation (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

All is calm, all Is bright (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
All is calm, all Is bright (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Awake my soul (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Awake my soul (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Behold (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Behold (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Bethlehem gaf ons 10.000 redenen

Meer info >
Bethlehem gaf ons 10.000 redenen


Prijs: €2,50

Brand new Hallelujah (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Brand new Hallelujah (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Child of hope, Child of peace

Meer info >
Child of hope, Child of peace


Prijs: €2,50

Child of hope, Child of peace (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Child of hope, Child of peace (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Christ chose the manger (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Christ chose the manger (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Christmas has come

Meer info >
Christmas has come


Prijs: €2,50

Christmas has come (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Christmas has come (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Cold December flies away (3-pt) (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Cold December flies away (3-pt) (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Cold December flies away (SATB) (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Cold December flies away (SATB) (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

De hemel toont ons uw glorie

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De hemel toont ons uw glorie


Prijs: €2,50

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB)

Meer info >
Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB)


Prijs: €2,50

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB) (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (SATB) (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB)

Meer info >
Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB)


Prijs: €2,50

Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB) (Luistertrack)

Meer info >
Do you know the way to Bethlehem? (TTBB) (Luistertrack)

Prijs: €2,50

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